BondKeeper was developed with bail bondsmen in mind, and great care has been taken to ensure its ease of use. New features and useability improvements are being added every day. No complicated software setup, no need for support staff. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.
Cost Comparison: Let's say that you have 750 defendants on bond at any given time on average. You would get 750 calls for check-in a week, at an average of 1-2 minutes per call. If you were to have only a single employee answer the phone your costs would be something like this. 1 employee at $10/hour, 40 hours a week. $10 * 40 hours a week * 4 weeks = $1,600/month, plus phone line fees, any employment taxes, and the cost of employee benefits. In comparison your costs using BondKeeper's check-in line would be as follows. 750 calls * 1.5 minutes per call * 4 weeks = 4,500 minutes a month. 4,500 minutes * $0.03 minute = $135/month. That's a savings of $1,500 or more a month.
Manage Defendants
Track all your defendants information, court dates, previous employers, indemnitors, previous addresses, a unique file for each time they are bailed out. Also keep notes attached to defendants for all agents to read.
Manage Attachments
Upload an unlimited number of attachments to your defendants. Attachments can be scanned copies of receipts, pictures, or scanned paperwork.
Track Bonds & Powers
Defendants can have multiple files which track all their bonds, and associated powers, as well as their current liability. Keep a complete inventory of all your powers and easily search for them to determine the state of the power and which defendant/bond the power was used for.
Check-In Line
No need to tie up your business phone line with your weekly defendant check-ins. You are provided a phone number to an automated phone line that your defendants can call and enter in their social security number and a current phone number this information will be stored with your defendant so you can track their history. View a report at the end of the week to see which defendants have not checked in. Defendants are also reminded of their next court date every time they check in.
Court Date Tracking
Easily track court dates for your defendants. These are visible when your viewing your defendant screen so that you can remind your defendant when you speak to them. Want to call your defendants and indemnitors to remind them of upcoming court dates? We provide lists of all upcoming court dates so that you can just scroll down the list. Defendants are notified every time they call to check-in of any upcoming court dates, you can also enable optional SMS reminders.
SMS Notifications
Optionally enable automatic SMS notifications to remind defendants of upcoming court dates, or also easily send a custom SMS message to a defendant from the defendant screen.
BondKeeper provides all your end of the month reporting to be sent to your surety company. Execution report, discharge report. We also provide graphical reports to show what days your defendants commonly check in, as well as liability over time for your business. New reports are added regularly.

Autocomplete Search

Edit Defendant

Check-In History Graph

Liability History Graph

Income History Graph